CS6724 Display Wall User Interfaces

Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech

Spring 2006

This course is an advanced survey of the emerging research on the topic of large, high-resolution displays. We will examine this topic primary from an HCI perspective, to understand the user interface design, implementation, and evaluation issues for such display environments. We will examine display hardware and software, graphics rendering architectures, user input devices, advanced interaction techniques, visual display design and perception, usability, and various domain applications. The course will have a seminar style format, in which students read, present, and discuss papers from the research literature. A hands-on approach will enable students to work with advanced technologies in VT's GigaPixel laboratory, as we reinvent the classroom pedagogical approach by using high-resolution display walls as an integral part of class period. Students will work in teams on semester-long research projects that will result in papers appropriate for publication in this field. The class will also work together to create a useful resource that surveys and documents this topic as a guiding contribution to future research. Prerequisites: Previous HCI coursework, and permission of instructor.

Course Info:

Schedule and Readings:  (by week#)

NotesPapers, Taxonomy

  1. Introduction
  2. Projects
  3. Displays   --Darrell, saurabh
  4. Graphics systems, toolkits  --Mike, darrell
  5. User input, devices, interaction, GUI, embodiment   -- Ben, Tao, mike
  6. Discuss projects
  7. Collaboration  -- Meg, Lauren
  8. Perception/Cognition, Ergonomics -- Yonca, Lauren
  9. Visualization, design --Beth, Andrew
  10. Virtual environments  --Tao, Yonca
  11. Notification systems  --Alain, saurabh
  12. Applications --Ben, beth
  13. Education  --meg
  14. Games and entertainment  --Andrew, alain
  15. project presentations

