CS 5764: Information Visualization

Homework #2:  Intelligence Analysis Exercise

The goal of this homework is to experience complex visual analytics, and practice the creation of informal visualizations for analysis and presentation.


This Homework is to be executed by the Project teams.  Each project team should submit 1 homework solution.  All members of the team should collaborate to produce the solution.

Continue the analysis that we started in class, using the same intelligence data.  Your goal is to develop a hypothesis concerning the hidden plot, and then to present your case with supporting evidence.  Identify the illegal activity or threats, including the major players (who, what, where, when).  Make use of visualization as needed to help you in your analysis.

Hand in:  (one report per project team)

Hard-copy of your report, containing 3 parts:

  1. Succinctly state your hypothesis and your level of confidence as you would to your boss.
  2. Present your case, backing it up with the relevant evidence.  Make use of visualization to effectively "tell the story" about the suspected plot.
  3. Describe your analytic process (the steps you went through to arrive at your hypothesis).  Show the various visualizations (or other representations) that you used to help you in your analysis.  Briefly describe how each visualization helped (or didn't help) your team.

Include your team name and all team members' names on the report. 

Be specific. As always, make it easy to parse. I like structured outlines.